1 min read

Open Thread, Snowy in the Springtime Edition

Open Thread, Snowy in the Springtime Edition

Here's a grim little nugget for you, they just eliminated the CHIEF SCIENTIST position at NASA. Because who needs science, right? That's like Code Red levels of social collapse, institutional destruction, devaluation and evisceration of basic civilizational values. What a shame, what a pity, what colossal, immense, tragic stupidity. I have no words.

Just wanted to share that.

Here's a little open thread for everyone to...get it all off your chest, say hi to each other, vent, commiserate, hang out, or just pretend you're at the cafe with me and Snowy.

Like in the pic!

Lots of love from both of us. More essays soon.

Questions or emergency requests, just email me.